Analyse session recordings
Go to Matomo. In the left menu click “Session Recordings” and then select a session recording of your choice. If no session recording appears, then you first need to create a session recording.
Session Recording Report
A session recording report shows you a list of all recorded page views including useful information like the time of the page view, the duration of the page view, the viewport resolution, the location, device information, and more.
To replay a recorded page view, to delete a recording, or to view the visitor profile, hover a row and select a row action.
Applying segments
If you have recorded many sessions and want to slice and dice your visitors, you can apply any of over 100 Matomo (Piwik) segments to find the recorded sessions of a specific target groups.
Replaying a recorded session
To replay a recorded session, hover a row in the session recording report and click on the play icon. A new window will open with a video player and automatically start replaying the session. You can pause the video at any time and jump to a specific position by either clicking on the timeline or by using one of the keyboard shortcuts.
Below the video timeline you will see the screen the same way the recorded visitor did. The video will show the mouse pointer and mouse movement path. Circles will show you where a user clicked. If the user scrolled, resized the window, if a pop-up appeared, or made changes in a form, you will see the same actions replayed in this video.
Note that when playing a recorder user session you can use keyboard shortcuts to conveniently pause the video, jump a few seconds backwards or forwards, replay the video if it is finished, or play the next or previous page view for the visitor.
Playing a recorded session from the Visits Log
When you browse your Visits Log, a link “Replay recorded session” will appear at the top of each visit which was recorded. Clicking on the link will open and play the visitor’s session video in a new window.