How can I hide the crash context from being displayed to Matomo users?
The crash context, which is displayed in the Crash Details popup, displays information for recent crash events for a specific crash. By default this includes detailed information about visits with that crash.
If the Visitor’s Log is disabled, however, only the most recent crashes are displayed, with little information about the visits they occurred in. If, for some reason, you don’t even want this to show to users of Matomo, you can disable the crash context section entirely.
Please follow the steps below to disable crash context view:
- Disable visitor log by following this steps.
- Login to Matomo as Super User.
- Click the cog icon
within the top menu to go to the Matomo settings page.
- Click on “Settings > General Settings”.
- Scroll down to “CrashAnalytics”.
- Click on “Disable crash context view” check box.
- Save.
Next FAQ: How do I control how many days must pass before a crash is considered disappeared/reappeared?