Analytics API
This page is a hub space linking to the Analytics API guides.
There are two main APIs in Matomo
- Analytics Web API: used to request all Matomo reports and to manage (add, update, delete) websites, users, permissions, email reports, etc.
- Tracking Web API: used to record data in Matomo using the JavaScript Code or using the other languages
You can use the Analytics API to programmatically request reports (number of visits, page URLs, page titles, user settings, search engines, keywords, referrer websites, user browsers, etc.) for a list of websites, and a given date and period (day, week, month, year). The data can be requested in any format: xml, csv, json, Excel, etc. When you're using Matomo you can export the data of any report by clicking the "Export" icon below each report.
Matomo also provides APIs to create, edit and delete websites, users, user privileges, goals and PDF reports. Many users are using the API to automatically provide Matomo to their customers' websites.
Learn more in the Matomo API documentation pages:
- Getting started: Fetch The Top 10 Keywords
- Matomo (Piwik) API Reference Lists of all Matomo API functions, list of standard and optional parameters, and more
- Matomo Metadata API. Use the Metadata API to retrieve enriched data (translated labels, column names, report category, etc.)
- Matomo Segmentation in the API Learn how to request Matomo reports filtered to a segment of visits.
- How to call the Matomo API? Learn about the two methods of calling the API: using the REST API over HTTP, or loading the Matomo PHP files directly in your app.
- Include Static PNG Graphs It is easy to include dynamic PNG Graphs plotting any metric or report. The Static PNG Graphs API can be used on any HTML page, or desktop/Mobile App. It is used to draw graphs in Matomo Mobile
- Real time Analytics API via the Live! API The Live! API is the API provided by the Live! plugin, which lets you access 1) real time counters, 2) individual visit sessions and pages, as well as their converted goals, custom variables and all other the data about your visits.
- In the API page in your Matomo server (accessible via the top menu Administration link, then click “API” in left menu). The API page lists all API functions with example URLs as well as your token_auth. See the API page on the Matomo demo.
This page was about the Analytics Reporting & Management APIs. You may be find the Tracking API Guide useful.