Self-hosting web analytics got a whole lot easier with Matomo for WordPress!

A privacy friendly Google Analytics alternative that is easy to install and easy to use yet powerful when you need it to be. Enjoy full ownership and full control over your data with Matomo.

Find and copy the system report in Matomo for WordPressI have an issue with the plugin, how do I troubleshoot and enable debug mode?I cannot open the Matomo Reporting, Admin, or Tag Manager page, how do I troubleshoot it?Troubleshoot a failed database upgrade in Matomo for WordPressMatomo for WordPress is not showing any statistics / reports, how do I fix it?My WP-Cron is not working, how do I enable browser archiving?Make Matomo for WordPress work when I have a custom content directory I get ‘Oops… there was a problem during the request.’ or ‘Internal Server Error’ or ‘500 error’ or the ‘White screen of death’. How do I proceed?Does Matomo for WordPress work with the Matomo Mobile app?Hide my WordPress login URL when someone accesses a Matomo report directlyWhere do I find the source code for the Matomo for WordPress plugin?Increase WordPress plugin upload limitsSuppress DB errors in Matomo for WordPressEnable unicode characters (Japanese, Chinese, Russian, Hebrew, Arabic, etc.) in graphs in PDF/HTML reports and Matomo Mobile graphsFix the GoDaddy 403 Error when using Matomo for WordPressSolve a 403 error when accessing Matomo from the Matomo for WordPress pluginFix the error “missing MySQL extension which is required by WordPress” in Matomo for WordPressFix the error “WP DB Error: [1146] Table ‘[…].wp_matomo_option’ doesn’t exist”Fix the Proxy Header warning in the Matomo for WordPress system reportFix the error “AddHandler not allowed here”Prevent Matomo cache file changes to show up in Ninja FirewallSolve it when form submissions don’t work anymore with the Ultimate Member pluginResolving archiving errors with Matomo for WordPress on Uberspace HostingFix the WP-Rocket incompatible plugin warningSolve the error message “Your PHP CLI version is not compatible with the Matomo requirements”Fix “The current password you entered is not correct” in the plugin releases above 4.12